"Welcome to sunny Africa," laughed Jo as the weather switched from bright to torrential downpour in the early afternoon. We knew that we would be in Kenya during the rainy season so this was no big surprise. After half an hour of heavy rain and theatrical thunderclaps booming around us, the storm was over. 

In the evening we ate at Carnivore, the famous restaurant beloved of meat-eaters. It was a goodbye meal to Jo Bailey who was leaving Turning Point as Fundraiser. The whole Parsons family was there as well as Emily who also works for TPT and Ashley, Youth Worker at Christchuch Woking, who was visiting and whom we've known for many a year! We were serenaded by the bull-frogs in the pond who only quietened down when we went to try and spot them. We tasted goat (like tough mutton) and also crocodile (also tough). However the ostrich meat balls were delicious!

We had been met at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, Nairobi, early in the morning by Jon who drove us to the family home not far from Kibera where he and Jo work with Turning Point Trust; (more about that later.) It was lovely to start our trip staying with them and their delightful children Hannah and Isaac. We were made very welcome and enjoyed being with them while we acclimatised to the altitude of 5000' and rested after our overnight flight.

On our way there we were struck by how many people were out walking, walking, walking ... walking to work (it was 8am) and walking in between the lines of traffic selling all kinds of stuff from cushions to mangos .... and people setting up stalls by the roadside, selling produce, mobile-phone re-charging, tailoring services.... anything to put food on the table.

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